The Ultimate Guide To Coconut Oil And Weight Loss

Thermogenic stimulants help increase metabolism by boosting energy and increasing blood flow, but at a cost. There are many known dangers of over-the-counter metabolism boosters, including addiction, anxiety, insomnia, and gastrointestinal problems. Some people may even experience a severe reaction, like a heart attack, seizure, coma, or death. There has to be a healthy alternative.

And there is!

Researchers have found a positive correlation between coconut oil and weight loss without all the harmful side effects for which manufactured chemicals are known.

How It Works

Coconut oil is made up of medium-chain fatty acids. These triglycerides are easily digested and converted into energy, which helps speed up metabolism. On the other hand, long-chain fatty acids, such as those which comprise polyunsaturated oils, are more difficult to break down, and end up being stored in the body as fat. In one study, individuals who consumed meals high in medium-chain fatty acids experienced an average increase in metabolism of 48 percent (up to 65 percent in obese individuals). These thermogenic effects continued to benefit individuals for up to a day afterward.

Other Weight-Related Benefits

Besides the main effect listed above, there are secondary benefits which also link the consumption of coconut oil and weight loss. The following are some of these known benefits.
  • Eating coconut oil ultimately slows the digestion of food, making you feel fuller for longer. This will help reduce the need to snack throughout the day.
  • Coconut oil helps detoxify the body, cleansing and nourishing the cells in the digestive tract and helps the body naturally flourish. This sets the body up perfectly for weight loss.
  • Candida is a fungus which grows naturally in the body. When this organism grows out of control, it can lead to carbohydrate cravings, fatigue, weight gain, and many other negative symptoms. The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil destroy this nasty bugger, helping you achieve the long-term weight loss goals you have in mind.
  • Many people want to lose weight in order to reduce the risk for diabetes. Because coconut oil slows digestion, it helps control blood sugar levels, keeping them stable longer.

Attaining the Benefits

So, you’re convinced, and rightly so, that coconut oil and weight loss go hand in hand. So how can you get all of these benefits for yourself? What’s the right “dosage”? How often should you take it? When should you take it? Before meals or after? What type should you take? How much is too much? What do “virgin” and “extra virgin” mean? 

People who have been reaping the benefits of coconut oil and weight loss for a long time often work themselves up to consuming 3-6 tablespoons per day, depending on their weight. Consuming more than this amount can be detrimental to your health and contrary to your weight loss goals. Beginners, who aren’t used to the effects, should begin by taking 1 teaspoon per day. It may make you queasy at first, but don’t let that make you stop early. 

Your body will get used to the new addition to your diet fairly quickly. As for dosage, many proponents of this natural remedy recommend taking a dose about 20 minutes or half an hour before eating a meal. They also recommend that you choose a brand of coconut oil that is labeled “virgin” or “extra virgin”. This will ensure that the oil you consume has not been extracted by chemical methods; rather, it will have been pressed out by mechanical means.

How to Take It

Coconut oil should be swallowed as a liquid, so if the idea of letting a glob of oil melt in your mouth makes you uneasy, you’re not alone. Others have had the same complaint, and so they have figured out some ways to make the experience a bit more pleasant. The following are some of the ways to do this.
  • Add to hot water to liquefy the oil, stir, and drink.
  • Stir the coconut oil into your favorite herbal tea.
  • Add it to yogurt. Since this will keep it in a solid state, make sure to mix well.
  • Mix it with some peanut butter. Eat plain or as a dip for celery.
  • Add to a bowl of hot soup.

There is a lot of evidence linking coconut oil and weight loss, so why not give it a try?