is highly dependable on the room temperature; during warm
temperatures it turns into thick liquid, it solidifies into a hard
waxy substance when the cold temperatures set in. When it is rock
solid; it is advisable to place it in a pan of warm water or place it
in a warm oven.
People love it for its intense, coconut flavor. Other enthusiasts
prefer to eat it by the spoonful, but most people spread it on toast.
Components of coconut butter
butter has the most delicious taste; one may easily conclude that it
is one of those prohibited delicacies that may easily ruin a diet
conscious enthusiast. Well it’s not. It’s actually good for you.
In fact, coconut butter is packed with a host of benefits:
- It’s rich in lauric acid, which boosts immunity and destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, and funguses.
- It actually boosts your metabolism, which aids in weight loss and increases energy levels.
- It’s packed with healthy fats, so you feel full longer.
- It’s full of essential amino acids, calcium, and magnesium.
Benefits of coconut butter
to research, animal fats contain long chain fatty acids. Coconut
butter on the other hand has a type of fatty acids by the name of
medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). In medical science circles, this
kind of saturated fats is considered not only rare, but a most
important building block of every cell in the human body. It is only
comparable to the nutrients found in a nursing mother’s breast
Aids in loss of weight
has crucial properties that are capable of reducing cholesterol and
heart disease, the key ailments associated with being overweight. To
illustrate the larger role that coconut butter plays in reducing
weight; a group of farmers attempted to fatten up their cattle by
feeding them with coconut flesh and oil. The result after some
time; the cows instead got very active and lean.
possible explanation of this development is highlighted below:
- The long chain fatty acids are normally stored as fat in the body, but the MCTs are burned up for energy. This simply explains why after a helping of this awesome cream, your body feels great.
- Coconut butter, like coconut oil helps in stimulation of the metabolism. This ultimately means that more calories get burned up in your body as you obtain enhanced energy levels as well as weight loss in the process.
Coconut butter contains lauric acid
most amazing property of the coconut butter is that it is packed with
lauric acid. Lauric acid happens to be the key ingredient required in
the body, which is responsible for destroying harmful bacteria and
viruses as well as boost immunity. As mentioned earlier, coconut
butter contains properties that equate it to breast milk of a nursing
mother. Lauric acid is the component responsible for linking them as
they both contain it.
group of scientists in the Philippines researched the effects of
coconut oil and lauric acid on patients with the HIV virus that
causes Aids. The results were amazing. Most of the Aids patients
showed a dramatic drop in the HIV virus count, in some cases to
“undetectable” levels. While there needs to be a lot more
research, there is certainly evidence to suggest that people with
this virus would benefit immensely from having a diet rich
in coconut.
Coconut butter eliminates yeast infection
infections also known as Candida Albicans, is caused by antibiotic,
modern living and birth control pills. It is actually the disease
responsible for causing an entire generation to be tired, foggy
headed, unable to digest food effectively and also become prone to
all manner of illnesses. Coconut has been found to contain properties
that can kill the infection.
Differences between coconut butter and coconut oil
this juncture it is quite imperative to be able to differentiate
between the coconut oil and coconut butter. This is because many
people find it almost challenging to pinpoint the clear differences
as they contain largely similar characteristics.
of the differences are however listed below:
- Raw coconut is normally warmed, stirred to a creamy, smooth texture and then spread on your toast helping, as opposed to the coconut oil which is mostly usable as it is, when stored in the correct room temperature. The coconut butter is rich in the full flavor and aroma of coconut and at the same time accords you the benefit of the entire coconut nutrition namely; oil, fiber, proteins, vitamins, minerals and so on.
- Coconut butter can be compared to nut butters which marks the ultimate difference with the coconut oil. The main factor to consider here is that it is made from the actual flesh of the coconut.
- Coconut butter is soft at temperatures of 80ºF and solid at lower temperatures.
- Coconut butter is manufactured using a low temperature process (below 115ºF). This is in order to ensure that the vital enzymes, vitamins and proteins are preserved. It is also extracted from 100% certified organic coconut; which means no preservatives, additives and so on, and is made in a facility that does not process any peanut, gluten or dairy products.
- The other difference that can easily be pointed out is that coconut butter is a whole meal product that is 100% coconut with very minimal processing. Coconut oil on the other hand has to undergo a rigorous cold expresser process in order to extract the oil. Though both are obtained from fresh coconuts that are dried, the coconut butter undergoes a further process of being ground into a fine powder.